Harrison Junior Hoya Cheerleading

tryout videos

2022 Junior Hoya Cheerleading Tryouts

For any additional questions, please contact:

Laura James - hhshoyacheer@gmail.com

CHEER Wording:

Blue, Green

Crowd get on your feet, get on your feet and yell to the beat

Blue c'mon Blue, Blue, Blue

Crowd get on your feet, get on your feet and yell to the beat

Green c'mon Green Green, Green

Blue, Blue, Green, Green

CHANT Wording:

Let's go Hoyas, H-H-S

**Make sure to learn the motions from the BACK VIEW for the cheer, chant and dance**

*You will say the CHANT 3 times during tryouts*

*For the CHEER, learn the female (front row) motions*