Harrison Junior Hoya Cheerleading

tryout videos

2024 Junior Hoya Cheerleading Tryouts

For any additional questions, please contact:

Laura James & Ni'Cole McCrae- hhshoyacheer@gmail.com and HoyaCoachMcCrae@gmail.com 

**Make sure to learn the motions from the BACK VIEW for the cheer, chant and dance**

*For the CHEER, learn the female motions*

*You will say the CHANT 3 times during tryouts*

CHANT Wording: 

*Learn the girl’s motions
*Call it: H-H-S

Hoya Nation Attack
It’s Time to Fight Back
Blue, Green Blue, Green
Hoya Nation All the Way
You Know What to Say
H-H-S, H-H-S
Blue, Green H-H-S

CHANT Wording:

*Learn the girl’s motions
*Call it: Go Hoyas Go

(clap) Harrison we’re on a roll
Go Hoyas Go

*repeat the chant 3 times
*face front the entire time, do not turn around